I don’t know about you but this has been a busy year, filled with many opportunities, but also a significant number of challenges.
From 1st December I will be taking some steps to end the year well and begin 2022 strong.
These steps are:
1. Reduce
During December I will be significantly reducing my availability and participating in only essential and life giving meetings.
2. Renew
During December I will be intentionally spending time doing things that renew my spirit, mind and body.
3. Recalibrate
During December I will be seeking to recalibrate so that I can ensure that I am not running at cross purposes to God’s best plan for my life.
4. Refocus
During December I will be refocusing on the goodness of God, my family and the work He has called me to.
5. Refuel
During December I will be refuelling; purposely taking time to do things that refuel my ‘tank’ emotionally and spiritually.
6. Re-fire
As this year ends and a new year begins I will be spending extended time in God’s presence knowing that it is there I am re-fired to run the race that He has set before me.
Perhaps you may choose to also take some of these steps?
Tommy Stewart, Founder
Christians Who Lead