Right now our world is filled with much darkness. A work of great evil is being done. The enemy seems to be on the advance. Hope is in short supply.
Despite all that is going on locally, nationally and globally, including the war in Ukraine, we have within us the hope of the world. The light of Jesus within us can transform the world around us. Now is the time like never before to allow your light to shine. Now is not a time to hide your light under a bushel.
Matthew 4:16 (NIV) says: “the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”
Whilst this verse refers to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, His work continues today through us, who are the sons and daughters of God. We are co.-heirs with Christ and now is the time for the light of the world to shine from within us, so that those living in the shadow of darkness can see a great light.
The enemy is intentional about waging warfare and so to we must be intentional about driving out the darkness by allowing the light of Jesus to shine from us. Take a moment now to consider how you can:
Drive out the darkness through refocusing your thoughts on Jesus, the light of the world.
Drive out the darkness through reframing your words so that they bring light to those who are in despair.
Drive out the darkness by allowing the light of Jesus to shine through all that you do each day, in the workplace, in the community and in your home.
Finally, take courage from the words of John 1:5 (NLT)
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”
Tommy Stewart
Founder of Christians Who Lead