So often when people are asked the question; ‘How’s it going?’ they will reply ‘great’ or ‘grand’ or ‘fine’. Or, if they can’t muster up one of these seemingly ‘positive’ replies they might just say they are ‘ok’.
The reality is that the vast majority of these replies cover up a multitude of underlying issues that are impacting that person’s world at that time. They may well be struggling with health, family or financial issues, or they may be struggling with mental health challenges or an addiction that few, if anyone knows about.
So what’s the point am I making?
Well, actually there are three points I wish to make:
Perception and reality are often very different - many of the people we meet are putting on an outward face, either to cover over the issues that are tearing at their heart or they are making a determined effort not to allow those things derail them from getting on with life.
We only see the tip of the iceberg - it is said that 90% of an iceberg is not visible, it is under the surface. For most people what we see is the visible part of their lives. The 10% they dress up, put make up on (if a woman) and present to the public each day. Below the surface, are the real challenges that they face, some of which they worry about, and even ‘self medicate for’, in the dark night when no one else can see them.
We play the same game - perhaps not you, but I reckon the fast majority of those reading this will have, more often than not, said you were great, fine or ok when I reality you will were struggling with issues that no one knows about. You go about from day to day wondering when breakthrough will come. You try to muster up faith for a new day, a new month and a new year but you are tired from the ongoing struggles of life.
This is not a negative post, in fat it is far from it. This post is designed to:
Remind us that everyone has problems we know nothing about
Remind us that, we are not alone in experiencing troubles, trials and tribulations
Encourage each of us to be open up a little more, ask for prayer, ask for help;
Encourage one another; come alongside one another; support one another;
Look onto Jesus, the one who said to bring our burdens onto Him.
God loves you more than you will ever know. He sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter. He is for you, not against you. Lean into Him. Put your trust in Him. Lean upon in His everlasting arms.